Thursday, October 20, 2011


OMG this morning sucked so much. Nick ( My very vocal, very stubborn 3 year old chubster ) is really getting it IN with the whining and crying stage. EVERY morning, and EVERY bedtime we go through this all out screaming fit about everything from what to eat for breakfast to "I dont wanna go to bed". It drives me CRAZY. I can pretty much squash the crying with a little coercion and extra "love" but I'm beginning to wonder if its ever going to stop. I remember my oldest son going through this stage, and we incorporated time out, revoking of priveleges, and in severe cases ( not too often ) spanking.

-Sidebar: YES I believe in spanking. No I dont do it often, I dont need to! Kids learn quickly!

But with Nick its just getting old. Maybe it was more tolerable when I had a spouse to tag team him with, and tap out when I'd spent my cool. But now its like I almost have to separate myself from the situation and come back to him for the love portion of the discipline. I firmly believe there should be a "makeup" session after discipline, to let the child know you respect them and thier feelings, but that there is a right way and a wrong way to do things - and its Mommy's job to correct the wrong ways. I let my sons know I still love them, but the behavior is dissapointing to me. I ask them if they know why they were disciplined, or why Mommy is disapointed. Usually they know exactly why, and will tell me! This simple questioning helps me make sure I'm being fair, and that I've been clear on what was done wrong  - and it makes sure that THEY know exactly what was done and what the appropriate action SHOULD have been.

Back to Nick tho, most of his tantrums are about FOOD. What he'd prefer to eat, whether he can eat something right then, or because he cannot have something he wants. Its ssuupppper frustraiting because it is borderline greed. And greedy people are my BIGGest peeves. I dont know what to make of his greedy little gut! He definitley is not missing any meals. He definitely only wants things because he sees them, most of the time. And he's definitely capable of being patient when he can concentrate on trying. Aye Aye Aye! I will continue to incorporate the fair discipline and makeup session. Hugs and kisses, and little pouty lipped apologies from my little guy are always welcome and thereaputic after a punishment... and at least that part of it doesnt get old.

Keep the faith Mommies. They DO grow up!
Bueno Suerte!   


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