Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My flexi adventure!

So i stayed up late, starting around 9pm (late i know) and finishing around 1030 washing, condition and rolling these flexies. Here are the pics! I also included the pineapple i slept in. Right now im on day 4 ( purple shirt pic!) with these curls and i have to say i like it!
Lesson learned: Never ever never Eeeeever never try to sleep on these flexi rods!! I slept NONE. I even tried to catch a few zzz's on my face! No good! I def need to air dry these puppies during the day or purchase a bonnet dryer. Smh!

Sorry for the sideways mobile upload! lol This is DAY 4
My Night time Pineapple. ( I covered with a satin scarf too)
Day one! Pretty side hawk! :)
Just me showing the whole outfit. lol

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