Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Breakin. And not the kind from the 80s. :/

Theeeese are the Breeeeeaks!!

Since this is kind of a sad post, I will gift you guys this cute vid of Vin Diesel "Breakin" when he was a teen. lol

So lately I've been loooooovvvving the curly fro look with the flexi rods, and once the style gets old, I pin to the side, smooth my front and make a giant fro-nytail, or make a fly frohawk. Apparently though, in my excitement, I failed to remember the rule of thumb with fragile hair. Well... the rules of thumbs. All the fingers.

- I forgot about overstyling on one section of the hair can cause too much stress on those hairs. BREAKAGE.
- I forgot about how I NEVER ever never never have used a bristle brush on my hair, and commenced to using it just to get that smooth look on my edges. BROKEN-NESS.
-I also completely forgot that using certain products that resemble gel, even Smooth n Shine which claims to be a "conditioner" can stretch hair too far and cause it to break under too much tension. WAH!.

So I spotted the breakage on one side of my hair and I'm sad. I worked so hard on this GOC (grow out challenge ) only to have my straight week be ruined by raggedy frontal sections. LOUD SIGH AND EYEROLL. Oh well. Womp Womp.

Well I'm not Curtis Blow
And I'm not here to flow
But if you dont know,
now you know! *crosses arms and poses*


 Please learn from my mistakes. Be kind to the hair!

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