Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ah Newness. Its you again!

New Job. lol You'd think I was insanely ungrateful with all the blessings that come my way after reading how much I complain. Granted, I take inventory of the things I DO have and thank God for those While I'm complaining... lol I guess it balances out. I am now: (Dun da daaaaa!!) A cybersecurity engineer. What is that? Hell if I know. lol Seriously, its a new path. I know I've been on the "new" path for like 2 years now... and if I look back even further I'll have 10 more "new" paths I started and didnt finish. Ces't la vie.

Anwhoo. This path feels more... magnetic. Like as soon as I started it I knew it was like starting college: its gonna take a few years. This is good though. I'm embarking on something that is forcing me to be patient, diligent, and perservere. I'm too bored at work right now to really go into detail, other than information Technology, blah blah security, blah, CISSP cert, possibly a Network + or A+ cert and then onto the big leagues... but all in all, its a groove. Footprints in a cement sidewalk. A place where I can fit in, and settle, and use my talents and education at the same time. Plus I'm being asked to basically stretch my college skills and mold them into something specific.. which until now have been sitting on a shelf, dusty and wasted, and I've been feeling like my degree was pointless. Or maybe regretting going to an HBCU. *shrugs*

But the new new... I blogged about it the last blog, about my day as a working mom. It was a beautiful day. I've had more days like it too. And so far so good. I'm sure I'll have my moments, my goal is to not let those moments stop me from what I really want and need to do. I've never let an attack keep me from doing something I wanted to do when it comes to certain things... so I'm applying that same motivational factor to work, and to my kids. No more exuses. Take a break and then get back on the horsey shorty!

*Oooh! Random sunflower seed on my desk. *munch munch*

But I'm happier. I can say that. I was falling into another rut before this. Honestly it was starting to be "pee pot" time. ( Pee or get off the pot) The whole being a "writer" thing was getting old. I dont want to be a "writer" with quote fingers. I want to WRITE. I have an editorial account with a few websites, and thats just what I'm gonna do. I've jotted down a few dozen article ideas, and I'm going to try to do one every month. But the job thing, I needed it. I needed some stability. I'm him AND me now. I never thought I was just going to be able to raise these kids off a writer's salary, public health insurance and some savings. No no, I wasnt stupid. I just needed some time to get myself together. I hyped my writing hobbies to help myself feel less like a hobo and more like a productive "diva"... and for the most part if worked. Kept me from going stir crazy. That and a few interesting relationships that have been brewing along the way. So here I am. New again. You surprised?

You shouldnt be. :)


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