Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Letter to The UNreligous Man

Dear Mr. Not-That-Religious-Or-Anything Man,

I am not a bible beater. ( Altho I think those that are deserve respect. ITs not easy beating people over the head with God's word every day!) But I am a God fearing woman. I do believe in the bible and church and Jesus as my savior. What I cant wrap my mind around, is what I'm supposed to do with you? If I cant talk about God, or bible passages, or have real discussions about the purpose here on earth... why would I want to be with you? If we cant go to church together because you dont "feel like it" or because you want to watch the game, how can I raise these little boys to be church going men?

Another thing is, why am I expected to sleep with you... outside of marriage? How am I supposed to grow in my faith if I'm doing that? I'm not holier than thou, I'm just asking! I mean, when do YOU get to say, "You know what baby, lets wait till its love.." or have you EVER even considered that? Do you value me? Why should I value you?- No really, this is not sarcastic, its a REAL question. Tell me why! ( I want you to ask your boy, Mr. I-claim-to-be-church-goin-but-i-sleep-around this question too. What is his girl sposed to do with him? I sit next to her in church and she wanted to know.) I dont want to change you, sir. You mom did that when you were a baby. You're a man now. What do you think God wants from you? Do you believe He's just going to wait for you to get it together? Or maybe just accept that you're not "into all that"? What exactly would YOU have a God-fearing woman do with what you're bringing to the table as far as religion is concerned? Do you plan on establishing a relationship with God? How about with a woman that already has? Or do you even want a church going woman?

The Mind is inquiring. Just wanted to know!

Miss-Aint-perfect-but-still-tryin-to-get-to-Heaven Tyler


Moments In Life said...

Can't be with a non God-fearing person...it's a no go. No one is perfect and we all sin, but at the very least have it in your heart! Can't associate with someone who can't realize there is a greater power!

Maya said...

I agree! I try to establish some sort of "where is your head on this matter" in all aspects that are important to me... and this was something I wrote about a year ago and decided to post. For all those who wonder the same things....


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