Thursday, October 20, 2011

FINALLY! The (almost) perfect twistout!

It was soooo pretty! I twisted the hair downward, into 10 braids and sat under the dryer for 45 min  to give my hair a chance to dry completely. I think that was my failure in the last try ( below). I waited an evening, a whole night, and half a day before my take out. Here are my results!!

ARG. I hate how pics uploaded from my phone to windows 07 are always sideways. And the shiny black-ness of my hair doesnt show very well in artificial light. But it was very shiny and not as frizzy as this pic looks. I amost wanted to edit it so that it isnt so fuzzy looking. So you can get the full effect. But oh well. Also, I want to figure out how to get my roots to be more defined and less fuzzy. I think I will need to apply more twisting to the front for that.

Day two was pretty also! ... but I admit, I was lazy and slept on it. And my bonnet came off. So I pineappled ( pulled it gently to the top of my head and retwisted the front  with a little water/conditioner mix to get some of the fuzzies back in check, and wore a tight fabric scarf. I need to invest in some satin/silk ones. I know.

PROS: Love the shape, the curls and the really relaxed look
CONS: REALLY wanna dye my hair! I really wanna henna! I'm just scared I will be baldylocks. I asked The Best Stylist in the World and she refused to do it, because of the negative effects it has has on her clients. SOB! I'm scared to rinse because I dont want the green tinge and rinsing isnt really any less damaging than permanent dye. There has to be a way!! :(

Side bar:

I dogged Miss Jessies Curly Meringe in the previous review, but it actually works as an EXCELLENT re-moisturizer in this winter weather. My curly do is now 4 days old, and in the good "pineapple with a multi-banded headband on the front". Still curly but just not in a down do'... but it was D-R-Y. Like crunchy not cool dry. I was soo amazed at how thirsty it felt! How could I have never noticed this before? Does permed hair feel  less dry when it needs moisture? *shrugs*. So I put a big dollop of it on my hands and spread it all over my hair this morning. It Stiiiiiillll ( 3 hours later ) feels awesome. Like I can feel that my hair is happy an the little bit that got to my scalp feels great too. It DID however return some of my stretched curls back to their smaller, curlier state.... hence the reason for the multi band on the front. But that is easily corrected with a retwist tonight. So far, getting 4 days out of this twist out is Not bad! :)

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