Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So much to do....

So I've decided I'm going to just be everything. Everything everything. I'm not going to succeed at being anything if I dont try. And just because I dont have enough time to do everything should not hold me back from doing anything at all. So I'm going to do everything. Let me explain.

This blog is really going to have to become less personal or get deleted. Perhaps even some of the entries will be deleted. :/ Less of a journal and more of a journey log. There is just a lot of personal emotion in this thing and I'm slowly but surely getting some exposure. I may have to shut it down. Or just disconnect my work from this one. What I want to do is basically have multiple blogs, create an income stream from them, and basically have place for everything that is Maya. I want a narrative brain dumping poetry creative place. I want a single parent momma place. Faith Family Finance in that one. I want a girly techie place. What's the newest gadget out and why is it cool to the AVERAGE user? in PLAIN ENGLISH! And I want an OP Ed column that could either be an ogoing advice column or maybe an interactive q&A column. I've really been into some things lately, observing some of the people that do what I'd love to do... and I'm seeing that they do a LOT.

Take CurlyNikki for example...she's on twitter, facebook, has her own website, and she's got tutorial youtubes out the wazoo, just showing off her natural afro-textured hair and interviewing people ( celebs included ) about black hair. All she's doing is giving her opinion thru trial and error about black hair... and its really putting black curls on the map as CURLY and not NAPPY, KINKY... or any of those other quitely negative words made up to "politely" lower black women's self esteems. She calls it what it is..CURLY! And she shows off how to help black women get thier hair to a point where it is healthy enough to show that it IS curly! Taming frizz and defining curls... I'm so happy I've found her and her blogs and some of her followers have great stuff too! I now have ways to showcase the CURLS God gave me and not feel like "oh no, but my hair is nappy, fuzzy, frizzy, or not 'good hair'. No .. its great hair! Its CURLY. We just had to crack the code of how to take care of our hair, without relaxers and chemical straighteners, and get it back to how beautiful it is supposed to be! God doesnt make mistakes! Our curls are just as beautiful as any other natural state of hair- and CurlyNikki is just one powerhouse example of how we can get back to it. POW! Kudos to her for landing an Essence mag spot for her genius! ( AHEM.. ESSENCE MAG SPOT. Yeah! ... You see where I'm headed with this now?lol)

Another reason I'm going viral and possibly doing away with or disconnecting from this blog ( or maybe just turning this blog into the personal dumping space.. I'm not sure yet. Reinvention is always calling me!! ) is because I had a technical interview yesterday and one of the interviewers READ an ARTICLE of mine. *GASPS, CLUTCHES PEARLS* lol I was sooo unprepared for someone to actually read my work.. and surprised that he found it amusing enough to even mention! This, to me, calls for a stepping UP of the professional articles, and a backseat ( or professional makeover ) to the artsy fartsy entries. I cannot have my anxiety disorder on blast for folks to just link to the professional Maya. I cannnot have my emotional outbursts and personal ups and downs on display all willy nilly for professional eyes to peruse. Nope. I will continue to blog, but more on an informational, fun and creative but less personal platform.

<3 see ya on the flip side!

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