Thursday, November 17, 2011

BABO OWWW! ( Bomb A** Braidout )

Ni Hao Bella-chulas!

( I love mixing languages into nonsensical greetings lol )

So last night ( I know I'm sposed to be Bunnin' and GOC'n and all this) my hair was feeling dry and oily. :( I had made a WNG (wash n go) last for 3 days.. and it was cute, since I had my stylist give me a hydration treatment, I wasnt as fuzzy frizzy as I usually am. So it was fiiine; until I decided to play in it at work. Womp Womp. Yeah... and you know how you picture the worst happening when you're doing something you're not supposed to do.. and it HAPPENS? Exactly. There I am, bunnin and rebunnin, and then re-rebunnin in the mirror just loving on my hair in the bathroom mirror, and POP. Enter the sad clowns. Of course I had no backup and had to run, head-down with my crazy bush curls back to my office so that I could pray over my purse for some miracle hair pins.

Finding TWO hair pins ( Thank you Jesus) I was able to re-semi-bun.. but it was messy and I did not feel my prettiest. SIGH. So back from the tangent story time - I say all this to say, I did a BOMB twist out!

Here's what I did: ( And this will now be my regimen. So help me Harold.)
  • Condish washed with Aussie Moist conditioner.   Scalp massage. Rinse lightly.
  • TreSeme Perfect Curls conditioner for added slip and then light finger detangle/twist under the shower stream 8 twists.
  • Shower time business while this sits. (2 min) Rinse lightly, and then cold water rinse leaving some condish in on purpose.
  • Gently but firmly squeeze  dry with HANDS - no towel
  • Olive oil cream butter ( My hair lovves emollients)
  • Warm blow dryer blast on each twist, gently stretching each twist, applying Ashea Shea butter (dry butter for shine and moisture lock in)
  • retwist each twist for "dry twisting" effect. Hair is still slightly damp.
  • Slept with no scarf, on a zip-on satin pillowcase, looking like Kizzie the runaway. Good thing I'm single. :)
And that's it! I woke up, still very Kizzie-esque but applied more emollient to refresh hair. Twists are fully dry. Oiled scalp with blue magic ( haha - the herbal one with NO mineral oil! ) and tied down the front with a scarf and put on a hat to trap in heat for the hour it takes to take the kids to school.

Once the kiddies were delivered safely, I went home, uncapped and descarfed and untwisted with a little coconut oil on my fingers ( Jeez I use a lot of shiny products! ) and VIOLA:

BEST DARN BRAID OUT EVER! I'm getting good yall!! Sexual Chocolate!

Getting better at combatting the frizzies! :)
Ciao Bellas!

1 comment: said...

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