Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cryptograpgy! BLooohahahaha!

So I'll be studying this for a while with the new path to my job... So far I've been instructed to put down the boring and eyeball gouging "Infosec Handbook", and pick up something more easily digested and less encycolpedia like. For all my Girl Techs out there, we'll just start a trend and start calling ourselves GT's lol , I am studying for the CISSP and am SO starting at square ONE. So far I'm looking into books like

( sorry

And this beast right here:

The last book, by Shon Harris seems to be the BEASTIEST, most intimidating book I've seen so far. Besides it looking like a step stool, or possibly a weapon, the thing is said to read horribly, like that of a military veteran. SIGH. Hopefully I'll have the guts to read this thing. I think I'm gonna get all three. Wish me Luck!

Peace GT's!

October 1, 2011 - Media Madness Tips

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