Thursday, October 20, 2011


I just wanted to share with you what my 3 year old said that tickeled me so much this weekend! Enjoy! :

The boys and I went to church Sunday, and much to my surprise - they LOVED Sunday school. Really? Like when I was a kid I used to LOATHE sunday school. It was theee most boring hour long sentence of condemnation to a room with a bunch of little kids, stuffed into their sunday best, to color and talk about our "feelings about Jesus". Catholic church. Ay mio. So anywhooo when I picked them up from SS, my Nick was busy blathering in his usual non-stop way about how "awesome" ( He says awesome JUST like The Miz from WWE) his class was, and he pauses and looks up at me while we walk down the path to the car. 

Nick: Mommy, who are these PEOPLE behind us?
Me: (Sooo used to this kind of embarrassment). Just people, baby. They are walking to their cars too.
Nick: People? RANDOM people?
Me: (The lady behind me starts cracking up laughing) Yes baby. Random people.

SMH. Justin does say "random" alot. Probably where he got it from!

I'd love to hear any stories some of you have!
Good Luck Mommies!

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