Thursday, October 20, 2011

Writing Partner :) Back in the Saddle!

So I've taken on a "partner" so to speak. She is a talented writer with good ideas and interesting stories. We are collaborating on the edit work of both our "works in progress". She's a lot like me in that she has a ton of ideas and nothing really finished. lol. Which reminds me, I need to get back to my novel. I really started rolling after a long ( like 5 month long..sigh) hiatus of just being uninspired. Now I'm back on the scent of the story... well I was like a week or two ago.. I just need to get back into it. The inspiration to write usually comes after reading and seeing what is missing or needs to come next. The problem is it takes me a good 30 min to get back on the page I was on when I stopped. I've got a good base working though. I really need to decide whether I'm going to go agent-less or get one and see if this thing is worth finishing. Yet.. it is my first work. My passion in its purest form. ( outside of songwriting) I think it deserves to be finished regardless of if it goes best seller, or if the 4 people that loved my first few chapters are the only ones that ever see it.

#amwriting  <-- hopefully

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