Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Ok so, its a secret. Dont tell anyone!! Especially not Shamika ( the best stylist ever) my bff... but I have been doing research on Henna for about 2 months, studying the videos, reading the history and noting ALL the precautions... and I'm gonna DO IT. I'm SO excited!! You think YOURE a PJ ( Product Junkie) NOooooo You've met your match. LOL LOL I'm SUPER stoked and I wish I had a partner to do it with me, but... I'm gonna do it.

I just ordered the Jamila Henna from and here's the plan:

Follow Curly Nikki ( and a few others') Henna Gloss recipie to the 'T'!!
For fastest results ( I'm scared yall! LOL ) I'm gonna do it ONCE A WEEK for ONE month. It sounds overboard but that is the trend I'm seeing with people that have the best initial results. IF I like the resutls I will do a full strength Henna and adjust my routine to alternate between glossing and full strength henna.

Disclaimer: I am not in it for the curl loosening ( which may be a plus who knows) , I love my curls. I'm in it for :
  • the big hair
  • the locked in conditioning ( frizz controll!)
  • the health
  • and the shine!!
I want my strands coated and thickened with a natural healthy plant that gives me red undertones. I want big red hair darn it! lol My hair is cool..but fine and frizzy. I'm looking to experiment! Wish me luck!!

Educate Yourself About Henna
Best Henna Video

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