Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Losing the Weight Game

Soo... I'm eating cold leftover pizza like a fat chick on a diet. Papa johns garlic is gooooooooood. I'm literally dipping this cold ass pizza into the tiny little garlic cup. SOPPING IT. yessir. I was so encouraged last week, when I noticed I lost almost 9lbs. I was looking good in my shirts, not having to suck it in.... and then this week... UGH. I'm only up 1 (sometimes 2) pounds from last week, but I HATE it. I look pregnant. It's really depressing, seeing as nothing has changed from this week to last. I've been eating the damn Special K, doing the stairs at the metro, crunching out hundreds of push ups.... but I admit, I binge. CRAP I AM STARVING!! LOL I"m laughing now, but it's really not funny! Like, I used to get angry when people that are just overweight for no reason, and the only thing wrong with them is they cant stop eating so much. Because I've always been in shape and fit and eating right, my whole life, I'm like "Put that doughnut down and run a mile or too sometimes DANG. Stop whining!" Now... I still wish my only problem was food, because I CANT get rid of my tummy by just being healthy, but now that I"ve seen the difference between 5lbs lighter and now? I"m like yea, I can eat a little less to help myself along.

But about this diet, I really feel like I'm not being healthy. I'm not talking about with the pizza right now...

*waves pizza in the air, doing the wop* When I say "Screw this" you say "DIET"
"Screw this" "diet"!! "Screw this" "diet"!!

Sorry. No I'm talking about when I'm just eating the special K for breakfast and lunch, and then a normal dinner. I'm hungry ALLL DAY. I feel like I'm starving myself and all I think about is food! I have snacks in the house, but I used to rarely ever touch them. NOW... I'm eating in secret, stuffing my face whenever I can, eating when I"m full, just eating all the daggone time. It's gross. Anyone else have this problem?

Well, I'm off. I'm about to go home. I always think of my best blogs and am at my most clear and peaceful, when the building is empty and I should be gone home 10 minutes ago. Oh well. **Finishes forbidden pepperoni ( yes, PORK ) pizza slice** So, I"ll have to take the stairs at the metro to get my car, and do 100 crunches when I get home, and probably skip dinner..

but it was gooood.

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