Sunday, May 16, 2010

Harder than it looked.

 You know how there's like a connection that happens between ppl when they have unexpectedly long or thought provoking convos? And sometimes no matter if there is a strong physical attraction or not- ya can't force or fake the conncetion when u talk, it's either gonna be there or it's not... Well, I've been kinda goin thru it lately, just getting to kno people, some connecting and some not.. And u know what I found? It's a lot more common to connect to someone and really be feeling them OR have them be feeling you,  than it is to have it happen both ways, where both people genuinely feel the same. And that is the sucky part of dating. The disappointment when the connection felt is really only a product of one-sided wishful thinking on one side, and completely selfish ( yet sometimes innocent!) lack of interest on the other....

So far I've been on both sides. And they both suck. It sucks, obviously, to be the person all caught up and interested.. and then find out the the other is "just not that into you"... but it ALSO sucks to be the bad guy too. It is NO fun coasting along in a casual friendship and suddenly your buddy turns all psycho on you, demanding to know why you havent called or how you "really" feel about them.

For some reason I thought finding someone to connect with would be easy, as long as you strive to be the best person you can be and open your mind. It's a lot harder than I thought. Not because I'm "so awesome" or anything either, though I've spent time on myself and Have lately been discovering the self confidence and love that was lacking before. It's because a real, two way connection... Like what I had in my marriage... Is Simply rare. :/

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