Thursday, June 2, 2011

No More Pull-Ups Day!

Owww! *Checks potty training off the List*

We had cake and icecream and celebrated with wii games past bedtime, and took pictures of new underpants last friday evening, when my not-so-little baby turned into a big boy.

Some time around three weeks ago I just decided that was IT. I'd had it! No more wet clothes to bring home from daycare, no more changing bedsheets twice a week and NO MORE PULLUPS to change when he pooped. I was over it! I looked him in his little chubby face and said "Baby, you're a big boy now. You cant have a "No more Pullup day" party if you are still wearing pullups." Puzzled at first, he looked down at his newly washed and powdered, pullup covered midsection. I thought he was going to cry, and instantly I felt bad and started to hug him. But he looked up, and looked at me and said "OK Mommy", and smiled his signature dimple-y smile. That week, he wore only underpants. I gave his teacher several pairs of spare pants, just in case. And when I picked up him that week.... He had different pants on every day. SMH. But I kept it up. I praised the progress, every time he went to the bathroom. He would look up just smiling, "Now I will get my no-more-pullup-party mommy?" I swear if I could die from overexposure to cuteness I'd be dead and turned over a few thousand times. haha! The next two weeks, same thing. More and more, however, I was noticing he had on the same pants he came to school with! Progress! So we had the party! He was SO proud. I am too. And that half used pullup bag that cost me twenty dollars, is worth every penny not to need them anymore!

WHEW!! Potty Trained! (next stop... wiping himself BY himself... dun dun DUNNNN!)


Anonymous said...

I so understand you on this one. It feels like one of the biggest accomplishments in the world when your child finally has flushable ones and more expensive pull a monthly gym membership at least.

Maya said...

Yes Maam! I waited long and we practiced hard for this. Yay undies! :)


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