Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Attention Product Junkies.....

OMG do you know I’m such a product junkie that I just spent the last hour looking at products I am LITT-rally ( English Accent) bouncing out of my seat to try???

AHEM: Here’s my list of what I WANNA try!!

(Generic Brand) Bioloage Conditioning Balm

Lacio Lacio Leave in Conditioner

Henna For Hair INDIGO powder. Yep I wanna be a black-haired maven again!

Argan Oil!! ( Moroccan Oil)

 I’ve got so many things I wanna put in my hair I think it may be scared. LOL I need to organize them and categorize before I lose my mind and put them all in at once! Sitting under the dryer with a pink cap drippin… grinning like a crazy person, magazine flippin!! ( Yea.. I just free styled. Please don’t ignore me in public. YOU KNOW WE FRIENDS!! LOL)  SMH. SOOOO Excited.

What I WILL try this Weekend:

So this weekend is Nick’s sleepover. Do you think I CARE if the toddler community sees my green mud henna cap?? NO ma’ams and sirs. I will be Henna’ing THIS Saturday night, if not Friday night. It is ON like Donkey Kong. #STAMP

Wish me Luck!! And may the LAAWWWD Bless ya real good!!


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