Thursday, December 1, 2011

Extra Ellie –The Office Attention Whore

Ok… perhaps I’m hating on the "over 30 crowd" of women my office. Maybe I'm in denial since I just turned 30. And  perhaps this picture of 50 year old Lisa Vanderpump IS exxagerating a little. lol But REALLY? I just saw ( We will call her "Extra Ellie" ) stagger by my office in film star Go-go boots, a panty print tight skirt and a gold sparkle belt when I KNOW she's over 30! Patterned tights and waist length red-hair honey? What are you, Forever 17?? And no, she is not black. And no it is not weave. It’s still ridiculous looking. NO, yesterday, your boots with the fur did NOT belong in the corporate meeting! Lol I don’t mean to pick this one woman apart, she looks kinda cute. But cute like we went out for girls’ lunch and a movie, in the city on a Saturday! Not for the office. Sorry ma’am…You’re 35, and you’re at work. Please go to Anne Taylor … Lord &Taylor…ask the Lord to get you a tailor… something! Stop acting simple. Hahah! Be classy!

Like I said… maybe I’m just a hater… but in my lifetime ( and not just ME!) I have run into women who just don’t understand “Workplace attire”. They take that “business casual” a litttttle toooooo far passed the casual caution tape… and dive right in, head first into the “No Line, Free Admission Club Chicks” pool. What is wrong with cute slacks and a pretty top? Am I old? I mean, my shoes are killer – ERRday. And my outfits are fitting, in a flattering way. I don’t need to wear low cut skin tight shirts,  or booty hugging bare-it-all skirts. What drives these women to believe this is “ok”? What is the thought process behind this, specifically the over-30 crowd, dressing like no one knows they aren’t 15? They are all out there, with blue weaves, Over the knee boots, skirts with high skanky splits, orange patterned tights, fur lined bomber jackets, drag makeup, anything at forever21 - these folks are wearing it to work! What happened to the BUSINESS in business casual? I’m just saying.

There is nothing wrong with being “older”! You can still be sexy, and even punchy with your clothing choices. By all means – spice can be nice! But there is a time and place for EVERYTHING. Perhaps instead of the boots with the fur… try some animal print pumps… at a height where you’re not clunking down the hall trying not to trip and do a face plant. Instead of a coochcutting skirt.. why not try a nice high waist skirt with a pretty top? IMHO You can still be “cute” and youthful looking without looking trampy. Flatter yourself without the “spotlight on the buttcheek”! We are women, not a display case - Be classy! 

*Drops Mic, picks up soap box.*

Do you have an “over 30” woman at your job who just makes you wanna lay the smack down on her with a fire blanket? LOL Do you ever secretly think… she’s pretty, but it’s a shame she feels she needs to dress that way!? Do you think that’s hating?

Sound off!

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