Monday, December 19, 2011

What do you MEAN “Hes too good for you?!”

So my good friend.. lets call her Boofreesha ( lol just because I like that name. Especially calling it LOUDLY down the aisle at the CVS..) asked me for some advice. I liked what I told her so I decided to post it, for your perusal. Aint I awesome? Lol!  Herrre we gooooo!


BooFreesha just met this “awesome guy at a party” she went to, or so she says. We have no real evidence of said “ Awesomeness”… but the brother does look good on paper. Lets run his fact sheet:

Good job

His Own House

Nice Car


Clean Cut



So he’s at least working with the 5C’s. ( Crib, CHURCH, Cash, Car, Clean) Ok...Fine.

Note: We should probably amend that to having CHURCH/God in his life be first in the 5C’s list… but you get the picture.

 BUuuuut we still don’t know if he has good teeth, a sense of humor or two brain cells to rub together for a decent convo! So he gets a loose… “MEH…ok” from the Picky Princess Party. Lol Shorry. Lol ‘Freesha boo, however is SMITTEN and after only a week’s worth of late-night phone conversations ( no dates yet) she’s losing it yall. Confidence all scattered. Shoes all tight. Over analyzing eeevery thing he says and doesn’t say, when he calls and when he doesnt. She’s suffering from a very common female disorder called “He-Took-my-swagga-nosis” where, she is so happy that a man with such qualifications has FINALLY noticed her, that she starts to doubt her own fabulousness and feels inadequate! She doubts her ability to keep this man interested and self sabotages by trying to be the perfect woman… when he clearly wants her to just be herself! So I says to my girl, in a very professional manner, in the words of my Coach… : Freesha boo…Izz ya BEEN not fly enough for the “mayne”? Chill out mama! Lol

In other words, my beautiful, FABULOUS, total package divas…. this man is just a man. He’s fine and stuff… but so are you!! You weren’t self conscious before, and you haven’t turned green or sprouted warts since then have you? Breaaatttthe!! Now, its exciting and really awesome when you’ve found a guy that actually measures up to a decent standard, and even more awesome that this guy has had the sense and logic skills to pursue YOU. But don’t let him knock you off your game! Just like any other man, Mr. Fine-buns needs to EARN your affections! Don’t let him slide just because you’ve waited for something LIKE him for so long. If he doesn’t call… FINE. He will just have to wait that much longer for your attention! Don’t give in and call, and text, and purchase a ninja outfit and binoculars just because he seems to be your Kiiiiiing toohoo beeee and you tripping because you think he doesn’t "like you like you like him". And just because he seems perfect for you… doesn’t mean he IS. And if he IS… he will work for that thang mama. 

I don’t mean enslave the poor man or give him the cold snobby shoulder. And I don’t mean ravage his pockets or act like a brat to see if he cares either. Yall know about those silly games! What I mean is, let him show he’s interested FIRST. Let him call you. Let him hint at the first date… and be busy sometimes.. but show him you can make yourself available sometimes too. Show you’re interested without acting thirsty! Bust out your best convo skills on the phone and turn on YOUR stellar personality to show him just what he’s working for! You are a queen, no doubt, so act like one… and rememeber the CONTENT of his character is what is on showcase here, not his pretty car or his Drake unibrow.

I now grant you back, your SWAGGU. Keep it close honey, and dont ever forget it again!!



Maya said...

Singing "I may be young but I'm READAYY..." lol

Anonymous said...

TRUE!! I have the same issues sometimes!! I think I just over think stuff way too much. Shoot but can I get a Mister Fine-buns to notice ME tho! lol I'm loving this blog girl.. keep it up! <3


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