Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Can i just...

LOVE on my hair a lil?

With all the different "texture wars" we have amongst ourselves I'm glad I've finally gotten over the "I want her hair" syndrome. :)  Oh COME ON, I'm about to pull your card! lol  I dont have a thousand followers - so I can say what I want! LOL Dont sit there and act like there isnt a coveted texture, ladies - and the underlying notion that the looser the curl, or the more definition the curl has, the "better".  We have all seen people, especially on the websites that are super pressed to tell people what their texture is, especially 3-anything or the popular 4a or whatever it is. No one wants to just have their OWN hair - undefined by a bracket that makes them SEEM as if they have "better" hair than the next curly. Its gotta be "just like hers" or they see a style and get hair envy, and go crazy trying to make her hair be something it isnt. On the flip side, we have all also heard that one girl friend that says "My hair is Nappy and it wont do all that" or "Yeah but you have that kind of hair" or "Good hair this and that" *rolls eyes*, lol But yes... we have to admit we still have a few lingering issues with embracing our black natural beauty.

 Its cool. And understandable. But my point here, is that I feel like I've reached a breakthrough. A "Curly Nikki" point if you will, where I've FINALLY found the products and regimen that work, and now I can say I LOVE MY HAIR! Not because it looks like someone else's, not because I trained it, tamed it, or "fixed" anything about it, because there wasnt anything wrong with the way God made it.  or  not because I was able to "get my hair like" something... but because it is healthy, happy and it shows! I will never again describe my curls (or anyone else's for that matter) as NAPS because "nappy" is a word that
1. makes no sense.
2. was a mocking, nasty word created to make black women feel bad about their hair
3. is a mentality I no longer subsribe to. I aint got no naps. PERIOD.

I have gone from "nappy" to "Happy" and I love, love... lovvvve it! Yay!! #POW Take THAT mental slavery! lol


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