Monday, February 27, 2012

Jesus, Hairpins and Mojo - What a great weekend!

Dear Jesus, I had an answome weekend. It was wonderful to just be in a happy space. I met some great people and got to know them better than I ever could. I drove ( ME! ) all the way to Cheasapeake/downtown Norfolk for a quick mini vaca, and let me tell you, I had a ball! We went to check out the local gospel/rap talent at a concert.... can we say TALENTED PINKY TOES? These kids had more origniality, talent and love for God in one room than I've ever seen in my life. They crunk danced, pop locked and dropped the word on some hot tracks better than Kanye or JayZ ever could. The vocal talent was just phenomenal! Like turn Beyonce down and put John Legend on Mute for a sec! lol  Just a blessed event!
Skip to 2:15 to hear this 18 year old artist. He was PHENOMENAL!

These kids were so cute. Especially the littlest "krumpers". lol

The weekend ended with sight seeing and lunch at a really nice harbor-area tavern called Freemason's Abbey in downtown Norfolk. 2 words, four stars! :) She Crab Soup and Crab cakes were on point!
Nighttime in Norfolk. :)

I know you are wondering, and YES... My hair was awesome! I did a really simple twist-n-curl that turned out wonderfully. This is totally my new staple style. I think it really suits me. :) All I did was co-wash with Sauve Naturals, used shea butter to seal and ORS olive oil cream for moisture. I mixed jamaica mango-lime locNtwist spray with lacio lacio and a few squirts of Argan oil into a spray bottle, and spritzed on for the twists. I flat twisted my hair into about 6-8 flat twists and flexi rod the bottoms. Sat under the dryer for about an hour, but mostly air dried in the morning because my hair takes 20 years to dry. lol Viola! Side bar: I can see my hair becoming more shiny and smooth... silky even. I wonder if its the Henna... or the co-washing. Hmm.

Actually this is today, at work, so.. 3rd day hair. lol but ... its STILL pretty!
I also had great convos this weekend! The things I've discovered about myself, my friends and about how much God loves me and how I approach life- just a blessing. I feel like I have my mojo - the type of mojo that never goes away! My JOY. I know where to find it now, and I'm not letting it go. Sunday night I helped to make someone's day (today) by sharing something I love - natural hair know-how! I did some hair and she loves it, and making her feel awesome -FELT awesome! I'm sleepy, but I'm good. My spirit is GOOD. :) Thank you for that.


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