Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Henna Update!!

Ok Ladies,

Its week 2, Life after Henna... and I have to say there are some PROS!! .... and some Cons.


- My hair has finally gotten back to being soft. The "curly curly" section seems to have spread and the whole back of my head is super silky curly, but the front and top... not so much.
- I love the color. I love how its only red in the sun but very dark and shiny in the regular light. Love my burnt orange halo. :)
- I love the feeling my hair has now. It feels like my curls are less frizzy ( altho it doesnt LOOK it that much.. I can see the difference but it is VERY slight.) at the roots. I can push my fingers up underneath my curls and feel scalp - as if my hair were thinner... or less tangled is the word I'm looking for.

- I'm still feeling like the hair is bonded together in some parts. Like the strands are "sticking" to each other, making me break them when I braid ( because I'm impatient and a little heavy handed ). I'm used to being able to flat twist and braid with no prob, but the hair has NO slip anymore. Like the edges are jagged or something!
- I'm still seeing breakage and split ends. However - it IS time for a trim and it IS winter time. The breakage is no more than usual, I think I was just paranoid before. SIGH. Time to blowout and do a length check again! Trim Trim!

Mean while, I'll post some styles I've been rockin in the past two weeks. You tell me what you think of this henna'd head! See any difference?

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